On this episode, join Ed, Kate, Karen, Garrett, Dennis, and Sam as they discuss 1988's Dominion Tank Police. Produced by two different anime studios, this was also Central Park Media's first ever anime release on VHS! Having covered New Dominion Tank Police back in our early days, it's time to actually go over the origins of Leona, Bonaparte, and Buaku, plus all the wacky hijinks this late 80's anime gets into.
0:00:00 - Introduction & The Watchlist
0:16:03 - Some Anime News
0:27:00 - Dominion Tank Police Production Notes
0:38:41 - EP1 - Crime Brigade
1:04:54 - EP2 - Crime War
1:32:41 - EP3 - Crime Ethic
1:57:24 - EP4 - Crime Factor
2:23:04 - Bonus Features & Voices
2:35:54 - Final Thoughts & Kanpai
Unfortunately, this set is currently out of print besides the reseller markets, but you can still support the show by donating to our Ko-Fi page below!
Dennis: @ichnob | Ed: @ippennokuinashi | Garrett: @blkriku | Karen: @RyaCosplay | Kate: @TaikoChan | Sam: @EssFive
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